Autumn's coming - rats too!

With Summer in full swing, the last thing on your mind may be the inevitable arrival of autumn… Consider this a public announcement - and a warning. Autumn is coming! Why is this worthy of a write-up you may ask?

Every year, in March and April, we receive many requests from distressed landowners urgently looking for traps because their walls and roof spaces have been infested with rodents. As the temperature drops and the crisp air settles in, rats and mice start seeking warmer, more comfortable places to call home—often finding their way into our houses.

But here’s the good news: if you set traps in your backyard now, you can stop them before they send you an eviction notice next April! Every rat caught in your backyard today is one less rat throwing a housewarming party in your walls come winter.

Summer’s been like a rodent’s all-you-can-eat buffet. There’s been food everywhere, and the breeding cycle has been in full swing. This means there are currently a whole bunch of young, naive rats out there, doing their best "I’ve-got-this" impression all over your backyard. This is your golden opportunity to strike before they start stockpiling food for the winter—food that will, of course, end up in your house. Fun times ahead, right?

By getting proactive now, you’re preventing not only the risk of costly damage to your home, car and appliances - but also avoiding the chance of these little guys carrying diseases that could spread to your pets—or worse, you. No one needs a surprise mouse party in their kitchen as the weather gets chilly.

So, take a few simple steps now—set those backyard traps, seal up any gaps in your house, and trim back any trees that think they have VIP access to your roof. You’ll thank yourself when the cold months roll around, and you’re not stuck in a battle royale with a rodent army.

You're welcome.


Ōi Season 2024 Wrap-Up