C1M, C2M, C3M, C4M & CNM

(Cornes Mid)

Driving instructions

  • from the Red Barn (meeting point at 754 Te Hutewai Rd)

  • to 104 Waimaunga Rd (the start of your line)

You’ll be going there ONLY AFTER the H&S Brief.

Your lines

This video is the quickest way to explain your lines. It’s worth taking a couple minutes to watch it! If you prefer written instructions and a map, scroll down.

Your lines: C1M to C4m, and CNM.

Entry point:  After our H&S talk, you’ll drive to 104, Waimaunga Rd (about 2.5  km from the Red Barn) See the driving/parking directions video above.

Once parked at 104, Waimaunga Rd, follow the green paddock walk on TrapNZ to the start of CNL. 

  • Start walking up CNL

  • Between bait stations #02 & 03, turn right onto C1M and fill to the end of it.

  • Turn left onto CNM. CNM is also your line & it has 10 bait stations. By ensuring you cover all the stations along CNM as you head up, you won’t have to come back down this way.

  • Zig zag your way through C2M  & C3M

  • C4M is a cul-de-sac with only 3 bait stations.

  • CNM goes up to CNM10-BS, but if you go a bit further, you’ll end up back on CNL and can walk down this track back to the paddock, exactly where you started!


  • Only fill the bait stations on your lines (i.e. Do not fill any stations on CNL)

  • Consider stashing bait for some of your lines if you’ll be passing by a logical point later in the day.

Exit point:   When you exit from CNL, turn right and walk back along the bush line, following the green ‘Paddock Walk’ on TrapNZ if needed.

Have you read everything else you need to know about the upcoming bait station filling day yet?